Digital Lounge: The Duet Between Digitalisation & Sustainability
Whether in business, the media, education or in private life: The core themes of digitalisation and sustainability move and challenge us all equally and at any time. Too often they are seen and discussed in isolation but their combination offers many opportunities to actively shape the digital transformation and put it at the service of global sustainability.
This is the reason why HSBA closely collaborates with the competency platform for sustainability and digitalisation . We offer the first Master's study course combining the two topics and the platform actively connects medium-sized companies of both worlds.
Together we would like to invite you to our second Digital Lounge:
The Duet Between Digitalisation & Sustainability: A Reason to Celebrate? (in German)
Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Audimax, HKIC, Adolphsplatz 6, 20457 Hamburg
The connection of the two topics has many facets.
You will hear different short presentations on six questions related to the areas of digitalisation and sustainability this evening.
The presentations are limited to five minutes.
Afterwards, we want to network, discuss and seek answers together.
The following experts will give short presentations on these six statements:
1 Do we understand digitalisation?
Carl-Ernst Müller,
2 Are humans reduced to a pile of data?
Max Claussen, MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability
3 Does the gig economy bring benefits to society?
Lisa Frommhold, MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability
4 The responsibility of software developers today - Is there hope?
Nils Löwe, Lionizers GmbH
5 High-quality education for all - how can digitalisation help?
Johanna Kröger, MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability
6 Is it possible to digitize inclusion? The pilot project: School live
Dr. Klaus Bublitz, Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V.
Be inspired and actively discuss how the opportunities of digitalisation can be used for a sustainable future. We all share this responsibility and can only change together. Be part of a network of decision-makers and active designers of digital transformation for a sustainable future.
Information for Bachelor students: As this event is part of the electives (General Studies), you will receive 0.08 credits for your degree.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hensel Börner, Academic Head MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability, HSBA
Carl-Ernst Müller, , Coordinator of the Competency Platform for Sustainability and Digitalisation in the Mittelstand