From Ideas to Impact: Encouraging Change for a Digital and Sustainable Tomorrow

Concluding Conference – Online Session

Concluding Conference 2024, DTS-Studierende Jg. 2021

Concluding Conference 2024, DTS-Studierende Jg. 2021, Workshop

The Concluding Conference, which is organised every year by the students of the MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability, is one of the highlights of their Master's degree programme. 

Under the title "From Ideas to Impact: Encouraging Change for a Digital and Sustainable Tomorrow", our students not only present the results of their Master's theses in 16 short presentations, but also provide impetus for the digital and sustainable development of our living and working environment. The topics range from "Renewable energies" to "Success factors for virtual conversation assistants" and "Ecological sustainability vs. profit-orientation". The presentations will be held in German and English. 

You will find the detailed programme here

The students are looking forward to a stimulating exchange and a varied evening. 

Please Note: This part of the event (8 of 16 lectures) will take place online via Microsoft Teams on, so that participation is possible from anywhere flexibly. Evening event: From 5.45 pm, all participants will have the opportunity to experience the students and eight presentations live in the Peter Möhrle Lounge (HSBA campus) and ask questions after the presentations.

To the Evening Event


Die Zukunft im Blick: Szenarien als Werkzeug für strategische Entscheidungen, Lisa Ochmann

How to become a Twin Transformer: Entwicklung eines Kompetenzmodells für eine nachhaltige und digitale Transformation, Nele Stephan

Acceptance of GenAI: A Study of Acceptance Factors and Opportunities of GenAI Among Top-Level Managers (EN), Carolina Engels

Analysis of a Healthtech Startup-Pharma Corporate Collaboration: What are the Success Factors? (EN), Laura Ils

Assessing Regulatory Needs of the Climate Impact Drivers Water and Land Use and Implications on SAP's traceability Software Solutions,  Julian Lütgen

Let's Pack It - Vermarktung von Circular Economy für Lebensmittelverpackungen mit Insights aus erfolgreichen Unternehmenspraktiken, Anna Gerbig

Investing for Impact: A Diverse Set of Tools to Tell Your Impact Story (EN), Nicki Saee

A Cup of Coffee with no Deforestation, Please! –Assessing Deforestation Risk in Coffee Farming (EN), Jette Brandauer​​​​​​​