
HSBA Sustainability Lounge: "Expert Dialogue: Sustainable Shipping in the Year 2050”

We kindly invite you to an inspiring discussion about future perspectives of sustainable shipping.


[Translate to Englisch:] Bildcredit: Karin Rose

HSBA Sustainability Lounge: "Expert Dialogue: Sustainable Shipping in the Year 2050

Friday, 14 February 2020

16.00 - 19.00 hours 
On the premises of the VDR (Association of German Shipowners) 

Room 1, Burchardstraße 24 / Steinstraße 27, 3rd floor, 20095 Hamburg 

We cordially invite you to an inspiring exchange of experts on perspectives for sustainable shipping in the coming decades.  Looking ahead to the year 2050, we would like to discuss how technical progress but also the social discourse on sustainability will develop, how lifestyles and consumer behaviour will be shaped by artificial intelligence or block chaining, how other industries will react to these developments and what role shipping will play in a sustainable, global and high-tech economy. 
The Expert Dialogue is the third event in the series "HSBA on Time Travel:  The Expert Dialogue is the third event in the series "HSBA on a journey through time: Off into the future", which aims to strengthen the exchange between all university members and interested parties on the topic of sustainability within the framework of the "One University - One Book" funding programme. 

Invited are experts and all interested parties who would like to participate in the open dialogue format or listen to the event. 

After an approx. 45-minute moderated opening dialogue, participants are asked to contribute their expertise, impressions, questions and ideas for the future to the dialogue. 

Following the dialogue, there will be an opportunity for further exchange and networking over wine and finger food. 

Input Dialogue (in German): 

Jörg Erdmann, Head of Sustainability, Hapag-Lloyd 

Peer Oliver Stork, Managing Director | Director of Operations for Products, Accenture GmbH 

Prof. Dr Sarah Jastram, Chair of International Business Ethics and Sustainability, HSBA 

Prof. Dr. Max Johns: Prof. Maritime Management, HSBA 

Christian Oldendorff: Venture Capitalist, Reederei NORD


The participation in the event is free of charge.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  You are welcome to forward the invitation to your interested friends and colleagues. 

For information for Bachelor students:  For this event, credits totalling 0.08 can be credited to you within the framework of the general compulsory elective course (Studium Generale). 

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting evening. 

Best regards 

Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram and Prof. Dr. Max Johns