
VIII. Finance Conference "FinTechs"

Students together with Prof. Dr. Philipp Zaeh, are organising a conference on current topics of the financial sector for the eighths time. The topic this year is FinTechs.

For the eighths time HSBA has now organised the Finance Conference, a symposium dealing with topical issues facing the financial industry. This year's topic is 'FinTechs – The Current Developments in Europe'. FinTechs will be highlighted as innovation drivers and current trends in banks will be examined. Thereby, the following questions will be discussed:• Current Market Developments in the Environment of FinTechs• Regional Innovation Support from FinTechs by the INNOVATIONSSTARTER FONDS HAMBURG• Robo-Advisory using the example of INVESTIFY S.A. LUXEMBOURGIn addition, the opportunities and risks for traditional banks will be discussed.

We kindly invite you to the

VIII. HSBA Finance Conference
on the topic “
FinTechs – The Current Developments in Europe” (in German)
on Wednesday, 6 June 2018, 5.00 to 8.00 pm
in the HKIC, Adolphsplatz 6, 20457 Hamburg.

Please be aware that this event takes place in German.

The participation to this event is free. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Of course you may forward this invitation to interested colleagues and friends.

Information for Bachelor students: As this event is part of the electives (General Studies), you will receive 0.08 credits towards your degree.


5.00 pm Welcome
Dr. Uve Samuels, Managing Director, HSBA

5.10 pm Presentation I: On the current financing situation of FinTech companies in Germany with a focus on Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg
Heiko Milde, Managing Director, Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg GmbH

5.30 pm Presentation II: Perspectives of FinTechs in Europe from the point of view of a founder and entrepreneur
Daniel Maier, Founder, investify S.A. Luxemburg

5.50 pm Presentation III: Will banks be taken over by FinTechs?
Prof. Dr. Peter Scholz, Professor for Banking, HSBA

6.10 pm Intermezzo

6.30 pm Panel: Future perspectives of FinTechs in Europe
                Moderation: Prof. Dr. Philipp Zaeh, Head of Department Finance & Accounting, HSBA
                Peter Barkow, Managing Director, Barkow Consulting GmbH
                Daniel Maier, Founder, investify S.A. Luxemburg
                Dr. Heiko Milde, Managing Director, Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg GmbH
                Prof. Dr. Peter Scholz, Professor for Banking, HSBA

7.30 pm Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Philipp Zaeh, Head of Department Finance & Accounting, HSBA

7.45 pm Get-Together