Zum Semesterstart 2024/25 hat die HSBA ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø ihr Angebot im Bereich Shipping & Maritime Management intensiviert. Sowohl im dualen Bachelorprogramm als auch im Masterbereich starteten erstmals die neuen Schwerpunktmodule zu den Themenbereichen Shipping und Maritime Management, die an aktuelle Bedarfe und Herausforderungen der Wirtschaft angepasst sind. Studierende werden so auf die Arbeit in der maritimen Industrie und speziell in Schifffahrtsunternehmen optimal vorbereitet.
HSBA Offers Specialised Teaching and Advisory Programme for Maritime Industry
"We are seeing a renewed increase in demand for qualified junior staff in the maritime industry.We are responding to this with our additional offers for bachelor's and master's students. This enables us to supply the industry with young professionals who have received excellent dual training for work in the maritime industry and specifically in shipping companies,’ says Prof. Dr. Max Johns, Professor of Maritime Management and Head of the Hamburg Maritime Institute.
‘In addition, we maintain a dialogue and constructive exchange between business, science and politics through our competence centre, the Hamburg Maritime Institute (HMI)*, and contribute to supporting the competitiveness of Hamburg as a shipping and trade metropolis with innovative solutions through further education programmes and practice-oriented research and consulting.’
In the dual Bachelor's programme at HSBA, the Shipping specialisation, taught entirely in English, started for the first time in the 2024/25 academic year. It provides students with maritime and shipping-specific knowledge that is relevant for working in the maritime industry and especially in shipping companies. The modules of the specialisation include the topics of Shipping Markets, Business Models, Sustainability, Shipping Policy, Law, Insurance and Ship Finance. Students also have to develop innovative projects for their companies.
In the Master's programme, students specialising in Shipping & Logistics came together for the first time at the MSc Innovation Management. In three specialisation modules, possible innovative solutions for the maritime industry are examined and the effects on shipping and logistics are analysed.
Part-time doctoral programmes on maritime topics are supported by the Ingeborg-Gross-Graduate-Center at HSBA and round off the institute's profile. The focus here is on the sustainable future of shipping and on training for future skills on board and on land.
*formerly Maritime Business School