
Prof. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Harms

Professor of Business Administration with a focus on Strategic Management at HSBA

Short Profile

Since 2004, Ann-Kathrin Harms has held the position of Professor for General Business Administration Theory, in particular Marketing and Sales. Since February 2022, she is Head of Department Strategy & Leadership.

She studied economics and business administration at Stuttgart-Hohenheim University and Universität Hamburg, and went on to work in the media industry (large publishing house, advertising agency). Professor Harms completed her doctorate at Helmut-Schmidt University on the topic of “Adoption technologiebasierter Self-Service-Innovationen” (adoption of technology-based self-service innovations). At the Institute for Marketing, she focused on online marketing for financial services providers and the media industry. At the same time, she provided advice in the field of online marketing and lectured at different universities in the Hamburg region.

Professor Harms’ research interests include consumer behaviour (sustainable consumption, over-60s target groups), online marketing as well as internal and external aspects of entrepreneurial marketing.


  • Marketing
  • Strategic Management
  • General Business Administration Theory
  • Scientific Work

Research Areas

  • Consumer Behaviour (over-50s Marketing, Sustainable Consumption)
  • Entrepreneurial Marketing, Strategic Internal Marketing
  • Online Marketing


Journal articles (refereed)

Friedman, B.A.; Tajvarpour, M.; Harms, A-K.; Eisele-Wijnbergen, D.; & Wilpers, S.. 2024. "Enhancing AI Engagement: Psychological Approaches to Motivate Employee Acceptance and Utilization." Journal of Business Management and Change  23(3): 5-15.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Claudia Fatapié Altobelli. 1998. "Online-Distribution im Consumer- und Business-to-Business-Bereich - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Informationstechnologie- und Telekommunikationsbranche." Der Markt  37 (146/147): 146-161.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 1998. "Der Markt der älteren Konsumenten - Rahmenbedingungen und marketingstrategische Ansatzpunkte." Werbeforschung & Praxis  (1): 20-26.

Monographs and edited books

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 2002. Adoption technologiebasierter Self-Service-Innovationen. Analyse der Wirkungsmechanismen im Entscheidungsprozess der Konsumenten. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Claudia Fantapié Altobelli. 1998. Online-Marketing 2000: Zielgruppen-Strategien-Prognosen. Die Primäranalyse über die Innovationsbranchen Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation. Hamburg.

Journal articles (non-refereed) / newspaper

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 2003. "Die Bedeutung von Inhibitoren im Adoptionsprozess technologiebasierter Self-Service-Innovationen." Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis  25 (4): 257-272.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 1998. "Buchbesprechung zu: Brigitte Köhler. 1995 'Senioren als Zielgruppe. Kundenorientierung im Handel'." Werbeforschung & Praxis  1998 (1): 28.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 1998. "Buchbesprechung zu: Gundula Gaube. 1995 'Senioren- der Zukunftsmarkt: umfassende Marktanalyse und Zielgruppenuntersuchung. Ansätze der Marktbearbeitung mittels Direktmarketing'." Werbeforschung & Praxis  1998 (1): 28.

Book chapters

Harms, Ann-Kathrin and Susanne Fittkau. 2011. "Zielgruppe 60plus - Entwicklung, Akzeptanz und Nutzung ausgewählter Felder aus Online, Social und Mobile Media." In Online Targeting und Controlling: Grundlagen - Anwendungsfelder - Praxisbeispiele, ed. by Bauer, Christoph, Gregor Hopf, and Goetz Greve, 223-242. Wiesbaden: Gabler / Springer.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Susanne Fittkau. 2011. "Silver Surfer - Profile, Nutzungsverhalten und -bedürfnisse.." In Die Alten und das Netz: Angebote und Nutzung jenseits des Jugendkults, ed. by Kampmann, Birgit, Bernhard Keller, Michael Knippelmeyer, and Frank Wagner, 52-59. Wiesbaden.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin. 2001. "Marketing und neue Medien." In Gabler Marketing Lexikon, ed. by Bruhn, Manfred, n.a. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Claudia Fatapié Altobelli. 2000. "Internationales F&E-Management." In Innovatives Management, ed. by Berndt, Ralph, 149-165. Berlin.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Claudia Fatapié Altobelli. 2000. "Customer Value schaffen und steigern durch Einsatz von Online-Medien." In Customer-Lifetime-Value-Management, ed. by Hofmann, Markus, and Markus Mertiens, 89-98. Wiesbaden.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, Fatapié Altobelli, Claudia, and Susanne Fittkau. 1999. "Electronic Commerce 2000." In Management Strategien 2000, ed. by Berndt, Ralph, 293-297. Berlin.

Conference proceedings

Greve, Goetz and Ann-Kathrin Harms. 2012. "Judging the book by its cover: mediation of the appearance effect on salesperson performance." In Proceedings of the 41th EMAC Conference, ed. by Paulo Rita, . Lissabon: 22/25.05.2012.

Conference presentations

Greve, Goetz, and Ann-Kathrin Harms. 2012. "Judging the book by its cover: mediation of the appearance effect on salesperson performance." Presentation held at the 41th EMAC Conference, May, 22nd - 25th, Lisbon.

Other Publications / Presentations

Pawlik, Joachim, Goetz Greve, Ann-Kathrin Harms, and Klaus Utermöhl. 2010. "(Vor)Bild Verkäufer: Von Krawatten, Koffern und Klischees." Pawlik SC Journal, p: 18-21.

Harms, Ann-Kathrin, and Claudia Fatapié Altobelli. 1998. "Online-Marketing 2000: Zielgruppen-Strategien-Prognosen. Die Primäranalyse über die Innovationsbranchen Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation." Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg.  (Study / Whitepaper)