Studentische Komitees

Entrepreneurs Club

Campus Life

Hello HSBA friends!

We are the Entrepreneurs Club and the team at HSBA that provides regular talks with founders and alumni of HSBA. With 5-6 events per year, we give other HSBA students, as well as us committee members, the chance to look behind the scenes of founding. In the process, you also gain insights into a wide variety of industries and one or two exciting job prospects. 
You constantly expand your own knowledge horizons, build up a network and gather ideas to eventually start up your own business. 

Are you structured and do you want to organise exciting events? 
As a committee member, you establish contact with the relevant people and organise an event together with them. We also meet regularly as a team and work on exciting projects. We are currently looking for new committee members.

Are you interested or do you have any questions? 
Then feel free to contact us! :)

Visit us on Instagram: