ESIC Madrid

Partnerhochschule der HSBA

Ãœber die ESIC Madrid

In der spanischen Hauptstadt Madrid erwartet dich nicht nur eine renommierte Business School (die ESIC mit mehreren Campus im Lande) sondern auch ein pulsierendes kulturelles und wirtschaftliches Zentrum, wo du die Chance hast, die spanische Sprache und Kultur hautnah zu erleben und die Vorzüge einer Hauptstadt zu nutzen: Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur, Fußball, und zudem gute Verbindungen um den Rest des Landes zu erkunden. Der ESIC Madrid Campus liegt zwar außerhalb des Zentrums in Pozuelo de Alarcón doch du hast hier die Möglichkeit neben innovativen Lehrmethoden und interaktiver und international ausgerichteten Kursen wertvolle internationale Kontakte zu knüpfen während du deine akademischen und persönlichen Horizonte erweiterst. Der Großteil des Unterrichtes findet nachmittags statt. Die ESIC ist ein langjähriger Partner der HSBA.

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Accommodation: There are different accommodation options in several different price categories available. The prices can be compared to Hamburg; however, the living standard tend to be a bit  lower. It’s common to live with flatmates. I can recommend living in the city center and not near the University, to be closer to activities and friends and can take a bus to the university. 
Transportation: The public transportation in Madrid is quite good and reliable. A personalized monthly metro ticket costs you only around 20€. In general, Madrid is a walkable city but to go to the university you definitely rely on bus or train. 
Activities and more: As Madrid is in the middle of Spain, it offers you the possibility to discover the country easily. I visited Valencia, Morocco, Portugal and the surrounding countryside of Madrid. The organizations CityLifeMadrid and SmartInsiders are offering fun activities for a good deal to get to know other Erasmus students and the city. CityLifeMadrid is also offering great support, especially for the first weeks in the new surroundings.

Julia Anhorn
Year Group 2021, BSc Business Administration, with KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfgesellschaft

Accommodation: The campus did not offer student residences, which was a viable option since the campus was located quite far from the city center. The rates for rooms reached as high as 900€ per month, which was definitely beyond my budget. Luckily one of my Spanish friends informed me that her cousins best friend was living in a shared flat with three other people and they happened to have a spare room. 
Transportation: The university is situated in the western part of Madrid, and it took me approximately 1.25 hours to commute from my place. I would take a 20-minute metro ride followed by a 45-minute bus journey. It was only after a few weeks that I discovered there was an express bus that could take me to the university in about 20 minutes. 
Activities and more: CityLife Madrid offered a lot for international students. They organized trips every weekend, parties etc.  I took the initiative to organize several trips independently, travelling to destinations such as Sevilla, Barcelona, Porto or Malaga. In Spain, life happens outside, and it’s a fantastic cultural habit to gather with friends for wine and tapas.

Nicole Wiebe
Year Group 2021, BSc Business Administration, with Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfgesellschaft