Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Partnerhochschule der HSBA

Ãœber die Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Ein Semester beim Gewinner des „International Student Satisfaction Award Finland“ studieren – rund 350 Studierende aus aller Welt entscheiden sich jedes Jahr dafür. Seien Sie einer davon und bewerben Sie sich an der Haaga-Helia! Die Haaga-Helia bietet exzellente Möglichkeiten für ein Studium in einem internationalen Umfeld an modernen Standorten mit einem aktiven Studentenleben. Mit über 10.000 Studierenden ist die Haaga-Helia eine der größten Hochschulen Finnlands und bietet neun seiner Bachelor Programme in englischer Sprache an. Ãœber 100 Nationalitäten studieren hier, außerdem gibt es über 200 Partner Universitäten. Anders als an der HSBA gibt es deutlich weniger Präsenzstunden, dafür wird mehr Wert auf Gruppenarbeiten und Präsentationen gelegt. Die ESN-HELGA organisiert Veranstaltungen und Ausflüge sowie Tutoren für die Austauschstudenten, wie Ski-Trips nach Lappland, internationale Kochabende oder Bowling. Vincent G., der 2014 ein Austauschsemester an der Haaga-Helia absolvierte, lobt den respektvollen Umgang zwischen Studenten und Dozenten, die gute Organisation der Uni und das günstige Mittagessen in der Mensa sowie das Sportangebot. Sein Kommilitone Frederik G. gibt der Universität eine „10/10“ und schwärmt von den freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Menschen und dem Gefühl des Willkommenseins.

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Interessiert an einem Auslandssemester an dieser Institution? Bitte kontaktiere das International Office der HSBA unter international(at)hsba.de und erbitte Zugang zum Team "Outgoings" wo relevante Informationen zu dieser Destination wie Semesterdaten, Kurslisten, Erfahrungsberichte, die Anzahl der zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze und weiteres zu finden sind. 

Accommodation: I rented accommodation through the organization HOAS. HOAS provides apartments for students from Finland and international students. At HOAS, you can specify how much EUR you want to spend monthly on accommodation, which I find great. I shared an apartment with two roommates but had my own room and paid €402 per month for it. 
Transportation: Public transportation works very well in Helsinki, but you need to be punctual to catch a train or bus. 
Activities: When you are in Helsinki, you should definitely take the opportunity to visit Lapland during your stay. I spent a week in Lapland with ESN (Erasmus Student Network) along with many other international students. This trip included a husky tour, skiing, visiting the Santa Claus Village, and seeing the Northern Lights.

Tino Schröder
Year Group 2021, BSc Business Administration, with Mondelez Deutschland Services GmbH & Co. KG

Accommodation: In Helsinki, you don't really have to search for accommodation. Instead, there is an organization called HOAS that rents out solo or shared apartments in a good environment and at a fair price. I shared an apartment with two other international students and paid €404 for it, which is very affordable since it already includes water, heating, and internet. 
Transportation: The transportation system in Helsinki is very well-developed, with fast trains, buses, and trams. Public transportation here is always punctual, with no delays. 
Food: Eating out is almost as expensive as in Germany. The same goes for grocery shopping. However, you can eat at the cafeteria of Haaga-Helia.
Activities and more: The organization ESN Helga offers plenty of activities, such as student parties, trips to various attractions, excursions to Lapland, Sweden, etc.

Luca Acker
Year Group 2022, BSc Business Administration, with Otto (GmbH & Co. KG)

Accommodation: I got student housing through HOAS, which was only 5 minutes away from my university. The application for student housing through HOAS should be done as soon as possible after the portal opens in order to secure accommodation. Unfortunately, some other students I know didn’t get housing through HOAS and had to rent an Airbnb, which was very expensive. 
Transportation: Public transportation in Finland is excellent and always punctual. 
Activities and more: Haaga-Helia has its own social committee, the HELGA committee, which is run by local students. They organize all sorts of activities, such as parties, gaming nights, or small trips to Lapland or Stockholm.If you're in Finland, you should definitely try to see the Northern Lights. A small tip: download the Aurora app to find out where you can see them and go to an Old Irish Pub to start off a nice evening.

Hanni Turton
Year Group 2022, BSc International Management, with Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH