Prof. Dr. Dennis C. Ahrholdt

Professor an der HSBA für allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Digitales Marketing & E-Business


Dennis C. Ahrholdt ist Professor für allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Digitales Marketing & E-Business. Er ist Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats und Ombudsperson für gute wissenschaftliche Praxis an der HSBA.

Professor Ahrholdt studierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Hamburg und der University of Technology Lappeenranta (Finnland). Nach Tätigkeiten in der Praxis und Gründung eines Onlinehandels promovierte Professor Ahrholdt mit ‘summa cum laude‘ am Institut für Operations Research der Universität Hamburg. Seine Dissertation zum Thema ‘Erfolgsfaktoren einer E-Commerce-Website‘ wurde mehrfach prämiert, u.a. mit dem Preis für die beste Dissertation des Fachbereichs Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität Hamburg und dem BÜROPA-PREIS 2011 des Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft zur Förderung der Handelsforschung. Professor Ahrholdt ist Visiting Fellow und Dissertation Supervisor an der University of Newcastle, Australia, der Edinburg Napier University und der University of Southern Denmark sowie Gutachter für verschiedene renommierte Journals (z. B. European Journal of Operational Research, Business & Information Systems Engineering oder European Management Journal).

Seine empirische Forschung, die sich mit den Themen E-Business, Service Management und Konsumentenverhalten beschäftigt, wird in führenden internationalen Journalen veröffentlicht (s.u.). Zudem ist Professor Ahrholdt Co-Autor des erfolgreichen Springer-Lehrbuchs Online-Marketing-Intelligence (über 300.000 Downloads).

Ergänzend hält er (Praxis-)Vorträge und berät Unternehmen zu obigen und nachstehend genannten Themenfeldern.


  • Online Marketing Intelligence
  • Digitales Marketing & E-Business
  • Marketing
  • Statistik
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten / Academic Writing


  • Online Marketing & E-Business
  • Service Management
  • Online- & Service Consumer Behaviour
  • Data Science & Analytics



Zeitschriftenartikel (referiert)

Knuth, Tobias, and Dennis C. Ahrholdt. 2022. "Consumer Fraud in Online Shopping: Detecting Risk Indicators through Data Mining." International Journal of Electronic Commerce  26(3): 388-411.

Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka and Zeinab Rezvani. 2021. "Visitor characteristics matter: how the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Journal of Business Economics  91(3): 333-351.

Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka, and Zeinab Rezvani. 2021. "Multimedia-Guides and Word-of-Mouth in Nostalgic Visitor Attractions: The Case for a German Wax Museum.." Leisure Studies  40(5): 682-697.

Faerber, Susanne, Dennis Ahrholdt, Julian Hofmann, and Oliver Schnittka. 2021. "When are visitors actually satisfied at visitor attractions? What we know from more than 30 years of research Tourism Management." Tourism Management  84: 104284.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Siegfried Gudergan and Christian Ringle. 2019. "Enhancing Loyalty: When Improving Consumer Satisfaction and Delight Matters." Journal of Business Research  94(1): 18-27.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Siegfried Gudergan and Christian Ringle. 2017. "Enhancing Service Loyalty: The Role of Delight, Satisfaction, and Service Quality." Journal of Travel Research  56(4): 436-450.

Carlson, Jamie, Aron O'Cass, and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2015. "Assessing Customers‘ Perceived Value of the Online Channel of Multichannel Retailers: A two Country Examination." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services  27(6): 90-102.

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2011. "Empirical Identification of Success-Enhancing Web Site Signals in E-Tailing: An Analysis Based on Known E-Tailers and the Theory of Reasoned Action." Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice,  19(4): 441-458.

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2009. "Quantitative Erfolgsfaktorenforschung im Online-Einzelhandel - Eine Zusammenfassung empirischer Ergebnisse." Research Papers on Operations & Supply Chain Management, Universität Hamburg  : .

Monografien und Herausgeberschaften

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Goetz Greve, and Gregor Hopf. 2023. Online-Marketing-Intelligence. Erfolgsfaktoren, Kennzahlen und Steuerungskonzepte für praxisnahes Digital-Marketing. 2. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Goetz Greve and Gregor Hopf. 2019. Online-Marketing-Intelligence. Kennzahlen, Erfolgsfaktoren und Steuerungskonzepte im Online-Marketing. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-26562-5.

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2010. Erfolgsfaktoren einer E-Commerce-Website - Empirische Identifikation vertrauensfördernder Signale im Internet-Einzelhandel. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Siegfried Gudergan, and Christian Ringle. 2015. "What Drives Customer Loyalty? Nonlinear Effects of Customer Delight and Satisfaction on Loyalty and the Moderating Role of Service Experience." In Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing, ed. by Campbell, Colin and Junzhao Jonathon Ma, 742-750. Melbourne.

Carlson, Jamie, Dennis Ahrholdt, and Aron O‘Cass. 2013. "Modelling a Formative Measure of Perceived Value of the Online Channel in Multi-Channel Service Systems: A Multi-Sector, Cross-Cultural Perspective." In Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference, 2013, ed. by Academy of Marketing, no pagination. Cardiff.

Carlson, Jamie, Dennis Ahrholdt, Ramaswami Sridharan, and Togar Simatupang. 2013. "New Insights into Consumer Loyalty of Website-Services: The Quadratic Effect of Flow." In E-Marketing in Developed and Developing Countries: Emerging Practices, ed. by El-Gohary, Hatem, and Riyad Eid, 246-257. Hershey, PA.


Knuth, Tobias and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2017. "How To Detect Fraud - Evaluation of B2C E-Commerce Transaction Data." Proceedings of the EMAC European Marketing Association Conference, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 23/26.05.2017.

Carlson, Jamie, Aron O'Cass, and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2015. "A Hierarchical Model of Perceived Value of the Online Channel in Multi-Channel Retailing: Concept, Measurement and Impact on Performance Outcomes." Proceedings of the AM2015 - The Magic in Marketing, Limerick.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Jamie Carlson, and Aron O'Cass. 2013. "Perceived Online Channel Value in Multi-Channel Services: Exploring its Multidimensionality & Nonlinear Effects on Intentions." Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Auckland.

Carlson, Jamie, Dennis Ahrholdt, Ramaswami Sridharan, and Togar Simatupang. 2012. "New Insights into Consumer Loyalty of Website-Services: The Quadratic Effect of Flow." Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference, 2012, Southhampton.

Präsentationen auf Konferenzen

Faerber, Susanne, Oliver Schnittka and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2019. "Visitor characteristics matter: How the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Presentation held at the 48. European Marketing Academy Conference, 28-31 May 2019, Hamburg.

Faerber, Lea Susanne, Julian Hofmann, Oliver Schnittka and Dennis C. Ahrholdt. 2019. "What influences the success of visitor attractions? A meta-analytic review of visitor satisfaction drivers." Presentation held at the 48. European Marketing Academy Conference, 28-31 May 2019, Hamburg.

Knuth, Tobias and Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "E-Commerce Mailorder Fraud: Feature Analysis of B2C Transaction Data." Presentation held at the 39th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, 2017.

Knuth, Tobias and Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "How To Detect Fraud - Evaluation of B2C E-Commerce Transaction Data." Presentation held at the at the EMAC Conference, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 23 -26 May 2017.

Faerber, S., Ahrholdt, D, Schnittka, O. 2017. "They are out of control: Analysing external drivers of visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions." Presentation held at the 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Falun, Sweden, 05.10.2017.

Faerber, S., Ahrholdt, D, Schnittka, O. 2017. "Success Drivers of Visitor Attractions: A Literature Review." Presentation held at the 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Falun, Sweden, 05.10.2017.

Carlson, Jamie, Aron O'Cass, and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2015. "A Hierarchical Model of Perceived Value of the Online Channel in Multi-Channel Retailing: Concept, Measurement and Impact on Performance Outcomes." Presentation held at the AM2015 - The Magic in Marketing, 7.-9. Juli.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Siegfried Gudergan, and Christian Ringle. 2013. "What Drives Customer Loyalty? Nonlinear Effects of Customer Delight and Satisfaction on Loyalty and the Moderating Role of Service Experience." Presentation held at the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Melbourne, 2013.

Carlson, Jamie, Dennis Ahrholdt, and Aron O'Cass. 2013. "Modelling a Formative Measure of Perceived Value of the Online Channel in Multi-Channel Service Systems: A Multi-Sector, Cross-Cultural Perspective." Presentation held at the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Jamie Carlson, and Aron O'Cass. 2013. "Perceived Online Channel Value in Multi-Channel Services: Exploring its Multidimensionality & Nonlinear Effects on Intentions." Presentation held at the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC).

Carlson, Jamie, and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2012. "New Insights into Consumer Loyalty of Website-Services: The Quadratic Effect of Flow." Presentation held at the Academy of Marketing Conference, 2012.

Heitmann, Henrik, and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2012. "Dynamic Pricing in öffentlichen Fahrradverleihsystemen." Presentation held at the GOR 2012 - Energy, Markets and Mobility.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Siegfried Gudergan, and Christian Ringle. 2012. "Enhancing Service Loyalty: New Insights on Nonlinear Effects of Customer Delight and Satisfaction." Presentation held at the Informs Annual Meeting, 2012.

Ahrholdt, Dennis, Claudia Höck, and Christian Ringle. 2011. "The Consumption of Live Sporting Events: Satisfaction of Very Important Fans." Presentation held at the .

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2009. "Trust Enhancing „IT-Signals' in e-Tailing – An Empirical Study Based on a Structural Model." Presentation held at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2009.

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2007. "Erfolgsfaktoren im B2C-Einzelhandel." Presentation held at the GOR 2007 - OR in the Service Industry, Saarbrücken, 2007.

Working papers

Faerber, Susanne, Julian Hofmann, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka. 2019. "When are visitors actually satisfied? A meta-analytic review of visitor satisfaction drivers at visitor attractions." Working paper, .

Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka. 2019. "Visitor characteristics matter: How the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Working paper, .

Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka. 2019. "Multimedia guides in visitor attractions: A suitable tool to enhance nostalgias impact on visitor loyalty." Working paper, .

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "Trust-Enhancing Website Signals in E-tailing and their Efficiency in Converting Website Visitors into New Buyers - A Comprehensive Empirical Examination." Working paper, HSBA.

Andere Aktivitäten

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "World-Café-Moderation zum Thema „Fachwissen“ at Marketing Innovation Day 2017 - Deutscher Marketing Verband e.V. , Hamburg, 12.07.2017." .

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "Round-Table-Diskussion zum Thema „Fachwissen“ at Marketing Innovation Day - Deutscher Marketing Verband e.V., Hamburg, 12.07.2017." .

Ahrholdt, Dennis. 2017. "Diskussion zum Thema „Big Data“ at TV Show Hamburg 1 Fernsehen, 15.02.2017." .