Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram

Vizepräsidentin für Forschung und Internationales, Professorin für Internationale Wirtschaftsethik und Nachhaltigkeit sowie Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre


Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram ist seit 2015 Inhaberin der Professur für Wirtschaftsethik und Nachhaltigkeit sowie allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø, seit Februar 2022 Head of Department Strategy & Leadership und seit Juni 2024 Vizepräsidentin für Forschung und Internationales. Zuvor war sie an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin am Institut für Management tätig. Darüber hinaus ist Sarah Jastram als Beraterin und Moderatorin im privaten und im öffentlichen Sektor tätig. Seit Januar 2021 gehört sie dem Nachhaltigkeitsbeirat des Unternehmens Porsche an.

Interview mit Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram 


  • Strategy & Leadership
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Business Model Innovation
  • Sustainable Innovation Camp
  • ESG
  • Human Rights
  • Qualitative Methods


  • Human Rights
  • Sustainable Supply Chains
  • Sustainable Leadership
  • Sustainable Innovation
  • Impact Measurement
  • Governance & Legitimacy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Ethical Consumption




Zeitschriftenartikel (referiert)

Knut Blind, Sarah Jastram and Jo-Ann Müller. 2024. "Subsidiary strategy and importance of standards: An institutional development of the integration-responsiveness framework." European Management Journal  : . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2024.10.001.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, and Zara Berberyan. 2023. "Democratic Stakeholder Representativeness." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory  07 April 2023: . https://doi.org/10.1093/jopart/muad005.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, and Johanna Försterling. 2023. "Clarifying Ends in Institutional Decoupling Theory – Insights From Social Impact Research." Journal of Business Economics  : . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-023-01170-8.

Jaich, Hans, Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, and Blind, Knut. 2023. "Spillover of Social Norms at Work on Employees’ Self-Reported Private Sphere Pro-Environmental Behaviour: A Mixed Method Investigation." Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung/ Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research  : 10.1007/s41471-023-00167-x.

Jaich, Hans, Sarah Jastram, and Knut Blind. 2022. "Organizational Practices as Drivers of Societal Change: Contextual Spillover Effects of Environmental Management on Employees’ Public Sphere Pro-Environmental Behavior." Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal  13(6): . https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-11-2021-0478.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, Alkis Henri Otto, and Tatjana Minulla. 2022. "Diverse Organizational Adoption of Institutions in the Field Of Corporate Social Responsibility." Journal of Business Ethics  : . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-022-05085-2.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha and Zara Berberyan. 2021. "How to Develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy." International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management  9 (1): 51-62.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha and Jenny Klingenberg. 2018. "Assessing the Outcome Effectiveness of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility – The Example of the United Nations Global Compact." Journal of Cleaner Production  189(6): 775-784. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.04.005.

Knoll, Hedda Ofoole and Sarah Margaretha Jastram. 2018. "A Pragmatist Perspective on Sustainable Global Value Chain Governance - The Case of Dr. Bronner´s." Society and Business Review  : . https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-12-2017-0122.

Jastram, Sarah, and Anna-Maria Schneider. 2015. "Sustainable Fashion Governance at the Example of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles." ±«³¾·É±ð±ô³Ù°Â¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³Ù²õ¹ó´Ç°ù³Ü³¾Ìý 2015 (13): 205-212.

Mückenberger, Ulrich, and Sarah Jastram. 2010. "Transnational Norm-Building Networks and the Legitimacy of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards." Journal of Business Ethics  (97): 223-239.

Jastram, Sarah. 2009. "Legitimation transnationaler Normen am Beispiel von ISO 26000." Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik  10 (1): 106-119.

Jastram, Sarah. 2007. "Transnational Corporate Social Responsibility - Transnationale Unternehmensverantwortung." Forum Wirtschaftsethik  15 (1): 62-63.

Jastram, Sarah. 2007. "Corporate Social Responsibility im interkulturellen Raum." ·¡²Ô³Ù·É¾±³¦°ì±ô³Ü²Ô²µ²õ±ð³Ù³ó²Ô´Ç±ô´Ç²µ¾±±ðÌý (16): 73-83.

Bassen, Alexander, Sarah Jastram and Katrin Meyer. 2005. "Corporate Social Responsibility. Eine Begriffserläuterung." Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik  6 (2): 231-236.

Monografien und Herausgeberschaften

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, Schneider, Anna-Maria (Eds.). 2018. Sustainable Fashion - Governance and New Management Approaches. Springer.

Jastram, Sarah. 2012. Legitimation privater Governance: Chancen und Probleme am Beispiel von ISO 26000. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

Zeitschriftenartikel (Nicht referiert)

Jastram, Sarah, and Sophie Katharina Kühn. 2014. "Innovation through Multi-Stakeholder Networks in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility." InTeR, Zeitschrift zum Innovations- und Technikrecht  2014: 155-160.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, Großmann, Marc, Krause, Nils. 2023. "ESG - Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen." In Praxishandbuch ESG – Grundlagen, Bedeutung und Umsetzung in Unternehmen. Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft., ed. by Andrejewski, Kai C., Krause, Nils & von Hesberg, Moritz, 137-149. Frankfurt am Main.

Baumann-Pauly, Dorothée and Sarah Margaretha Jastram. 2018. "Assessing human rights issues in the fashion industry – challenges for investors." In Research Handbook on Human Rights and Investments, ed. by Radi, Yannick , 452-467. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Berberyan, Zara, Jastram, Sarah Margaretha and Friedman, Barry A. 2018. "Drivers and Obstacles Of Ethical Fashion Consumption." In Eco Friendly and Fair: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behavior, ed. by Carolin Becker-Leifhold and Marc Heuer, 36 - 48. Routledge.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, Schneider, Anna-Maria. 2018. "New Business and Governance Approaches to Sustainable Fashion – Learning from the Experts." In Sustainable Fashion - Governance and New Management Approaches, ed. by Jastram, Sarah Margaretha, Schneider, Anna-Maria (Hrsg.), . Springer.

Schneider, Anna-Maria, Sarah Margaretha, Jastram. 2018. "Introduction to Sustainable Fashion Governance." In Sustainable Fashion - Governance and New Management Approaches, ed. by Jastram, Sarah Margaretha/ Schneider, Anna-Maria (Hrsg.), . Springer.

Jastram, Sarah Margaretha and Bäumlisberger, Damian. 2017. "Normative Assessments in Empirical Business Ethics Research - Towards a Methodological Bridge across the Ontological Gap." In Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility, ed. by Werhane, Patricia H., R. Edward Freemann and Sergiy Dmytriyev, tba. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 90-105.

Jastram, Sarah. 2016. "Habermas’ Theorie und die Legitimation von Multi-Stakeholder-Verfahren in der Praxis." In ISO 26000 und ONR 192500: Leitlinien und Normen zur Unternehmensverantwortung, ed. by Scholz, Markus und Marie Czuray, . Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.

Jastram, Sarah. 2016. "Habermas’ Theorie und die Legitimation von Multi-Stakeholder-Verfahren in der Praxis." In Die Normierung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Organisationen, ed. by Scholz, Markus and Marie Czuray, 3-12. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.

Jastram, Sarah, and Julia Prescher. 2014. "Legitimizing Corporate Social Responsibility Governance." In Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance: Practice and Theory PART I, ed. by Frederiksen, Claus Strue, Idowu, Samuel O., Mermod, Asli Yuksel und Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen, 39-61. Berlin: Springer.

Jastram, Sarah. 2010. "Global Reporting Initiative." In International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, ed. by Anheier, Helmut und Stefan Toepler, 775-776. New York.

Jastram, Sarah. 2010. "UN Global Compact." In International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, ed. by Anheier, Helmut und Stefan Toepler, 1582-1583. New York.

Jastram, Sarah. 2009. "ISO 26000 - Vorstellung eines neuen (C)SR- Standards." In Dokumentation des Symposiums "Corporate Social Responsibility im Tourismus, ed. by Gate e.V., 74-78. .

Jastram, Sarah. 2008. "Die richtige Ansprache von Sponsoren." In startsocial, Abschlussdokumentation 2008, ed. by McKinsey, 96-97. München.

Jastram, Sarah. 2007. "Interkulturelles Stakeholdermanagement im Rahmen von Corporate Social Responsibility." In Kultur, Ökonomie, Ethik, ed. by Lee-Peuker, Mi-Yong, Scholtes, Fabian und Olaf J. Schumann, 131-149. München [u.a.] : Hampp.

Jastram, Sarah. 2007. "Corporate Social Responsibility und Medienmanagement. Reflexion über einen explorativen Workshop." In Dokumentation des Workshops: CSR in Medienunternehmen am 20.06.2007 in Hamburg, ed. by Abel, Bodo und Sarah Jastram, 34-41. Hamburg.

Präsentationen auf Konferenzen

Jastram, Sarah, Zara Berberyan, and Johanna Försterling. 2023. "Shared Impact: Changing Perspectives Towards Collaborative Achievements." Presentation held at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Boston/hybrid, 8 August 2023.

Jastram, Sarah and Zara Berberyan. 2020. "Stakeholder Representativeness." Presentation held at the 36th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Hamburg, 2 - 4 July 2020.

Berberyan, Zara, Sarah Jastram, Joachim Rosenkranz and Stefan Schaltegger. 2019. "From Attitude to Action: Calibrating the determinants of ethical fashion consumption." Presentation held at the Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics, Boston, USA, 9/11 August 2019.

Jastram, Sarah and Zara Berberyan. 2019. "Stakeholder Representativeness." Presentation held at the Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics, Boston, USA 9/11 August 2019.

Berberyan, Zara, Jastram, Sarah, Rosenkranz, J. and Schaltegger, Stefan. 2018. "From Attitude To Action: Calibrating The Determinants Of Ethical Fashion Consumption." Presentation held at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 1 2018.

Jastram, Sarah and Berberyan, Zara. 2017. "Drivers and Obstacles of Ethical Fashion Consumption." Presentation held at the Japanese Forum on Business and Society, 7.-8.9.2017, Tokyo, Japan.

Jastram, Sarah and Hedda Knoll. 2016. "CSR-Governance within International Supply Chains in Ghana." Presentation held at the GRONEN (Group on Organizations and the Natural Environment) Research Conference, Hamburg, April 26 th 2016.

Jastram, Sarah, and Hedda Mensah. 2015. "Governing Corporate Social Responsibility within International Value Chains." Presentation held at the BJIR Special Issue Paper Development Workshop, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), April 24th.

Jastram, Sarah, and Hedda Mensah. 2015. "Corporate Social Responsibility-Governance Challenges in International Supply Chains - A Field Study from Ghana." Presentation held at the CSR Study Group – Paper Development Workshop, Freie Universität Berlin, February 27th.

Jastram, Sarah. 2014. "Innovation and Multi-Stakeholder Governance." Presentation held at the 6th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, October 8th.

Jastram, Sarah. 2014. "Legitimizing Corporate Social Responsibility." Presentation held at the Academy of Management, Annual Meeting, August 1-5.

Working papers

Jastram, Sarah. 2007. "The Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Management." Working paper, CIS Papers Nr. 17. Centre of International Studies, Hamburg.

Sonstige Veröffentlichungen

Berberyan, Zara and Sarah Jastram. 2018. "Ethical Fashion Consumption." presentation held at Susquehanna University, Harrisburg, USA, August 30th 2018.

Berberyan, Zara, Jastram, Sarah, Rosenkranz, J. and Schaltegger, Stefan. 2018. "From Attitude to Action- Calibrating the Determinants of Ethical Fashion Consumption." presentation held at Susquehanna University. Selinsgrove, PA, USA, 30 August 2018.