Dr. Sinan Krückeberg


 promovierte im Rahmen des Claussen-Simon Graduate Centre an der HSBA und der Helmut-Schmidt Universität. Von Dezember 2016 bis Sommer 2020 war er im Department für Finance and Accounting als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tätig. Nach einem erfolgreichen Bachelorstudium in Business Administration an der HSBA und dem Ablegen der Bankkaufmannsprüfung, folgte ein Master of Science Abschluss am King’s College London. 2020 schloss er seine Promotion zum Thema "Financial Crises and Innovation in Investment Management" mit Bestnote (Summa cum laude) ab. An der HSBA wurde er von Prof. Dr. Peter Scholz betreut und an der Helmut-Schmidt Universität von Prof. Dr. Klaus Beckmann.


  • Real Estate Investment and Finance
  • Banking Essentials
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Academic Writing
  • Research Methods
  • Data Analysis and Statistics


  • Dissertationsthema: Analysis of the Topography of Financial Markets in Times of Turbulence
  • Monetary Policy
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology
  • Active Asset Management


Zeitschriftenartikel (referiert)

Krückeberg, Sinan, and Peter Scholz. 2020. "Decentralized Efficiency? Arbitrage in Bitcoin Markets." Financial Analysts Journal  76(3): 135-152.

Scholz, Peter, David Großmann and Sinan Krueckeberg. 2018. "Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don’t — Financial Crises between Ambiguity Aversion and Selective Perception." The Central European Review of Economics and Management  2(no. 1): 155-174.

Zeitschriftenartikel (Nicht referiert)

Krückeberg, Sinan. 2018. "Rules, Rather Than Discretion or Automaticity - Monetary System Performance in Times of Economic Distress." Risk Management & Analysis in Financial Institutions eJOURNAL  7(39): .

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Krückeberg, Sinan. 2020. "Situating Robo-Advisory." In Robo-Advisory. Investing in the Digital Age, ed. by Scholz, Peter, 15-25. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Krückeberg, Sinan, and Peter Scholz. 2019. "Cryptocurrencies as an Asset Class?." In Cryptofinance and Mechanisms of Exchange, ed. by Stéphane Gouette, Guesmi Khaled, and Samir Saadi, 1-26. New York: Springer.

Präsentationen auf Konferenzen

Scholz, Peter and Sinan Krückeberg. 2019. "Cryptocurrencies as an asset class?." Presentation held at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Multinational Finance Society, Jerusalem, 30 June - 03 July 2019.

Scholz, Peter and Sinan Krückeberg. 2019. "Efficiency of Bitcoin Markets." Presentation held at the INFINITI Conference for International Finance, Glasgow, 09/11 June 2019.

Working papers

Scholz, P., Grossmann, D., Krückeberg, S. 2017. "A Never Ending Story? The Dependency of Financial Crisis and Uncertainty." Working paper, SSRN.

Scholz, Peter, Grossmann, David and Krueckeberg, Sinan. 2017. "Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don’t — Financial Crises between Ambiguity Aversion and Selective Perception." Working paper, SSRN.