
ESIC Valencia

Partnerhochschule der HSBA

Über die ESIC Valencia

Unter der Sonne Spaniens im Süden des Landes wirst du auf jeden Fall die Gelegenheit haben, das spanische Lebensgefühl zu spüren, während du an einer der besten Business Schools des Landes studierst. Ein Auslandssemester an der ESIC Valencia bietet dir die Möglichkeit, in eine Welt voller kultureller Vielfalt einzutauchen, denn diese bietet Valencia dir. Die pulsierende Küstenstadt mit mehr als 80.000 Studierenden in den verschiedensten Hochschulen wartet mit hervorragenden Möglichkeiten und einer hohen internationalen Diversität auf. Der ESIC Campus ist modern und klein, die Lerninhalte qualitativ hochwertig. Kurse müssen in Kurspaketen gewählt werden, der Unterricht findet zumeist am Nachmittag statt. Die ESIC ist ein langjähriger Partner der HSBA.  nter der Sonne Spaniens im Süden des Landes wirst du auf jeden Fall die Gelegenheit haben, das spanische Lebensgefühl zu spüren, während du an einer der besten Business Schools des Landes studierst. Ein Auslandssemester an der ESIC Valencia bietet dir die Möglichkeit, in eine Welt voller kultureller Vielfalt einzutauchen, denn diese bietet Valencia dir. Die pulsierende Küstenstadt mit mehr als 80.000 Studierenden in den verschiedensten Hochschulen wartet mit hervorragenden Möglichkeiten und einer hohen internationalen Diversität auf. Der ESIC Campus ist modern und klein, die Lerninhalte qualitativ hochwertig. Kurse müssen in Kurspaketen gewählt werden, der Unterricht findet zumeist am Nachmittag statt. Die ESIC ist ein langjähriger Partner der HSBA.  

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Interessiert an einem Auslandssemester an dieser Institution? Bitte kontaktiere das International Office der HSBA unter international(at)hsba.de und erbitte Zugang zum Team "Outgoings" wo relevante Informationen zu dieser Destination wie Semesterdaten, Kurslisten, Erfahrungsberichte, die Anzahl der zur Verfügung stehenden Plätze und weiteres zu finden sind. 

Accommodation: A few months before the semester abroad began, I contacted another student who was going to Valencia, and we decided to search for a flat together. We used “Idealista”, which is quite similar to plarforms like “ImmobillienScout24” or “ Immowelt”. Another popular option for finding accommodation is shared flats, which can be very affordable and also offer a great opportunity to meet new people, especially during the first few days. My apartment was located at the on “Avenue del Port”, conveniently located near the university are in “Blasco Ibanez” and close to both the city center and the beach. This is also a big advantage of Valencia. It’s a big city with a lot of opportunities but nevertheless everything is close by. 
Transportation: I went to the university by bike since it was only a ten-minute ride. Using “Valenbisi”, a local bike-sharing service, made this traveling very straightforward. 
Activities and more: Attending events organized by groups like “Erasmuslife” or “Happyerasmus” I would recommend. I met many of my close friends at an initial called “welcome dinner”. The city offers a very big variation of clubs, restaurants, activities and many open-minded Erasmus students. But besides the activities in the city there are also a lot of other possibilities to explore more of the country. On the other hand, you can join daytrips of Erasmus organizations. They offer every weekend multiple trips to hiking spots, smaller towns around Valencia or other nice spots that are possible to visit in one days.

Max Spickermann
Year Group 2022, BSc Business Administration, with NEOMA GmbH

Accommodation: I booked my accommodation over Spotahome. This website includes numerous landlords and agencies. My agency was called “Apartmento Tegustavalencia”. They have around 200 apartments within Valencia and therefore chances are high that if you book over this website, you will have them as your agency. No matter where you decide to take your accommodation, you’re always able to get to the city, beach or university in only a short period of time. Valencia isn’t a big city and compared to its size the public transportation is well connected. 
Transportation: During my stay, there was a free card for public transportation which we could register for. In general, Valencia is well connected with busses and the metro. Even if you decide to explore the city by bike, you can rent the city bikes (Valenbisi) or get your own bike. However, I would advise you to use the city bikes since many bikes get stolen.
Food: Compared to Hamburg the prices in Valencia are rather cheap. Especially going out to eat or going out for drinks is cheaper than in hamburg. 
Activities and more: Compared to Germany the social life in Spain and Valencia is more lively. There are many nice clubs that you can access for free with Erasmus guestlist. Some clubs that I would recommend are; L’Umbrace/Mya (here you can get free entrance to), Marina Beach Club and La Diva (especially on Thursdays). In Valencia are many Erasmus organizations that are planning trips and activities to join. Here are some of the most known Eramus organizations: Erasmus life, Erasmus vibe and Happy Erasmus.

Caroline Minkus
Year Group 2022, BSc Business Administration, with ECE Marketplaces GmbH & Co. KG