Prof. Dr. Leonhard Khazraei

Professor für International Management


Leonhard Khazraei ist seit Oktober 2023 Professor für Internationales Management an der HSBA.

Professor Khazraei hat einen interdisziplinären Bildungshintergrund mit einem BSc in Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und einem MSc in Produktionstechnik und Logistik (Summa cum laude). Es folgte die Promotion in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der ¹ó²¹°ì³Ü±ô³Ùä³Ù Maschinenbau der TU Dortmund (Magna cum laude). Währende seiner Promotion arbeitete er als Researcher am Fraunhofer-Institut. Zudem erwarb er in den Folgejahren zahlreiche Zusatzqualifikationen in Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. im Management, Vertrieb, Rechnungs- und Finanzwesen von renommierten akademischen Einrichtungen, darunter die LSE, das MIT und die Cornell University.

Professor Khazraei verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre funktionsübergreifende Berufserfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen, darunter Luft- und Raumfahrt, Automobil, Chemie, Energie und Gesundheitswesen in der Industrie sowie in der Unternehmensberatung. Der Großteil seiner Erfahrungen ist geprägt von Führung, Best-Practice-Entwicklung und Innovationsthemen im globalen Management, strategischer Planung, neuer Markteintritte, Betriebswirtschaft, kommerzieller Transformationen, Turnarounds und Digitalisierung. Dies wurde durch den Kontakt mit verschiedenen Kulturen, Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Hintergründen und Unternehmensstrukturen in mehr als 10 Ländern in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Nordamerika bereichert.

Neben seiner Tätigkeit an der Universität berät Professor Khazraei diverse Firmen im Bereich Unternehmensentwicklung, Commercial Excellence und digitale Transformation auf internationaler Ebene mit seinem eigenen Beratungsunternehmen INSVIRON. Er versorgt außerdem Nischenstartups bei der Kapitalbeschaffung sowie mit kommerzieller Expertise und unternehmerischer Führung.


  • International Trade
  • International Management
  • Country and Regional Studies
  • Digital Business Strategy
  • Digital Process Innovation
  • Global Digital Innovation and Ecosystems


  • International Market Development
  • Business Transformation and Turnarounds
  • Commercial Excellence and Enterprise Agility
  • Sustainable Digitalization Strategy and Execution
  • Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Ecosystems
  • International Corporate Development, M&As and PMI


Zeitschriftenartikel (referiert)

Khazraei, K. L. and J. Deuse.. 2011. "A Strategic Standpoint on Maintenance Taxonomy." Journal of Facilities Management  9(2): 96-113. 10.1108/14725961111128452.

Monografien und Herausgeberschaften

Khazraei, K. L. 2011. Design, Organization and Implementation of a Methods Pool and an Application Systematics for Condition Based Maintenance.. Dortmund: Verlag Praxiswissen. 978-3-86975-042-2.


Maschek, T., Khazraei, K. L., Hempen, S. and J. Deuse. 2011. "Managing Continuous Improvement Process as an Organizational Task in Course of a Century." Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management (ODAM).

Khazraei, K. L. and G. Bandow. 2010. "A Systematics for Efficient Planning and Effective Utilization of Condition Based Maintenance in Production and Processing Industries." Proceedings of the 8th biennial Aachener Colloquium for Maintenance, Diagnosis and Plant Monitoring (AKIDA).

Tulunay, Y., Messerotti, M., Tulunay, E., Khazraei, K. L. and Y. I. Özkök. 2005. "Neural Network Modeling in Forecasting Near Earth Space Parameters: Solar Radio Flux Forecasting." Proceedings of the Workshop on Solar Activity: Exploring, Understanding and Prediction.

Tulunay, Y. and K. L. Khazraei. 2005. "Emerging Space Market in Europe and Turkey: An Implication for Aerospace Communication." Proceedings of the Ankara International Aerospace Conference.

Präsentationen auf Konferenzen

Khazraei, K. L.. 2014. "The Unique Experience of LNG Bunkering Pioneers in Europe – Technical and Commercial Perspectives." Presentation held at the LNG Fueled Tugs and Barges Conference, New Orleans, LA, U.S., 10-11 July 2014.

Khazraei, K. and G. Bandow. 2009. "The Condition Based Maintenance Toolbox." Presentation held at the The 10th InfraMation Conference, Las Vegas, NV, U.S., 19-22 October 2009.

Working papers

Khazraei, K. L. and J. Oppermann. 2018. "Segmentation X.O - A Fundamental Enabler of Creating Value in The NEW." Working paper, Accenture Point of View.

Khazraei, K. L. and J. Oppermann. 2018. "Customer Loyalty - The Noble Element of Competitive Profitable Growth in Industrial Gases Market." Working paper, Accenture Point of View.

Khazraei, K. L. and I. Baigozina-Goreli. 2017. "Lack of Organic Growth for the Industry Born During Industrial Revolution 1.0 or Slow in Rotating to The New?." Working paper, Accenture Pont of View.

Khazraei, K. L. and I. Baigozina-Goreli. 2017. "Create a Living Business to Drive Growth in the Digital Age?." Working paper, Accenture Point of View.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2010. "Nondestructive Testing - Part IV: Electrical Inspection, Laser Inspection, and Stress Wave Analysis." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2010. "Object Based Problem and Cause Analysis." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2009. "Statistical Failure Analysis - Part II." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2009. "Nondestructive Testing - Part III: Leak Testing, Radiographic Testing, and Trobological Testing." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2008. "Statistical Failure Analysis - Part I." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2008. "Nondestructive Testing - Part II: Penetrant Testing, Thermography and Vibration Analysis." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2008. "Nondestructive Testing - Part I: Acoustic Emission Testing, Electromagnetic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing Ultrasound Testing, and Visual/Optical Inspection." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L.. 2007. "Toyota Production System and Lean Concept: Waste Elimination, Toyota Principles, and Lean Thinking, Principles and Tools." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L. 2007. "Maintenance - A Strategic Overture." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Khazraei, K. L. 2007. "Maintenance - Machinery Condition." Working paper, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Research Report Series.

Sonstige Veröffentlichungen

Khazraei, K. L. 2014. "A Holistic Market Entry Strategy for High-Horse-Power LNG Applications." Roundtable Presentation at. Port of Houston, Houston, TX, U.S., 26 June 2014.

Khazraei, K. L. 2013. "Improving Performance Management of a Selected Portfolio of Strategic and Proactive International Key Accounts." Presentation for KAM Practitioners. Munich, Germany, 27 February 2013.

Khazraei, K. L. 2013. "New Key Account Management Systematics and Toolbox for International Key Accounts." Presentation for KAM Practitioners. Guilford, UK, 29 January 2013.

Khazraei, K. L. 2012. "Customer Loyalty - The Essence of Sustainable Profitable Growth." Linde Digital Publications. 26 October 2012.

Khazraei, K. L. 2012. "Retail Customer Loyalty - Analysis and Upsurge." Presentation for Sales and Marketing Practitioners. Stockholm, Sweden, 29 August 2012.

Khazraei, K. L. 2012. "TAPSO: A New Sales Tool - Proactive Selling of Product Service Offers." Presentation for Sales and Marketing Practitioners. Munich, Germany, 20 February 2012.

Khazraei, K. L. 2006. "Market Penetration Strategy for a Newly Designed Medical Stretcher: Critical Care Board." Academic Pannel Presentation at Siemens Healthineers. Erlangen, Germany, 28 November 2006.