Shaping the future through digital transformation and sustainability

Learn more about how the combination of sustainability and digital transformation can shape the future


Sustainability and digitalization are two megatrends that define our age and, at first glance, show many contradictions to each other. But that is not necessarily the case: We, students of the study programme Digital Transformation & Sustainability, cordially invite you to rethink standards with us during the event to see how digitalization can actively contribute to a sustainable future! 

Over the past few months, we have been exploring and researching this question in smaller groups covering a variety of areas from social media to the construction industry. Aspects from literature as well as corporate side were considered. We would like to share our findings with you and discuss them in an open round. 

We are looking forward to meet you there in person!


The keynote speeches will deal with the following topics: 

  • Measuring social sustainability as part of the C40 Initiative's Climate Action Planning process. – Julian Lütgen, Peer Stenner, Torge Stahl 
  • Use of digital technologies to support the circular economy in the construction industry – Annika Heming, Carina Wilsdorf, Carolina Engels 
  • The potential of free open source software to reach the 17 susatainability goals of the UN – Jette Brandauer, Lisa Ochmann, Nele Stephan 
  • Influencing Sustainability: the role of susatainability within the top 30 instagram-influencers – Anna Gerbig, Laura Ils, Nicki Saee 
  • Role of ESG criteria in the sustainability reporting of the DAX40 – Lena Damm, Nicolai Vornbäumen, Xenia Godt 

If you have further interest in digitalisation & sustainability or in our part-time Master's programme Digital Transformation & Sustainability, please visit our .