Prof. Dr. Katja Starken

Professor for International Management

Short Profile

Katja Starken has been Professor of International Management at HSBA since December 2023. She previously worked as a lecturer in the Bachelor's and Master's programs at HSBA. She studied Business Administration, International Business Administration and European Business Management in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). Prof. Dr. Starken holds a PhD in Organization and Organisational Behaviour from the University of Northumbria and is an experienced lecturer in Strategic Management, Organization and Organisational Behaviour and International Management.

As a Managing Consultant at Price Waterhouse Coopers and IBM, she advised major international corporations for over 15 years and supported global transformation projects as a change and project manager. She has also been a strategy expert for the Executive MBA at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne since 2020. 


  • Organisation & Organisational Behaviour
  • Strategy & Innovation
  • Project Management
  • Science & Trends
  • Scientific Work

Research Areas

  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Diversity in an international context


Journal articles (refereed)

Pastoors, Katja. 2007. "Love-Hate Relationships with Communities of Practice." The Learning Organization, Emerald Group Publishing Limited  : .

Monographs and edited books

Starken, Katja. 2013. Individual gendered experiences of organisational elements impacting on knowledge creation processes in a knowledge-intensive organisation (Doctoral Thesis). Northumbria University, UK. https://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/11368/1/starken.katja_phd.pdf.